Join the KD team
Become a KD Gymnastics member today and enjoy a range of benefits.

KD Membership
You cannot participate in any of our classes without the Club Membership.
KD Membership entitles you to be a member of our programme and attend our classes, as well as giving you access to the following benefits:
- Reduced Holiday Camp Fees
- Reduced Private Lesson Fees
- Reduced Fitness Gym Fees, inclusive of parents
- Reduced Parties Costs
KDGC Fees are paid bi-monthly by direct debit ONLY. Fees are due by the 1st of each payment month. (January, March, May, July, September & November)
An annual membership and insurance fee of £34.00 will be paid at the time of joining and renewed every September.
Classes Fees:
Tots: £85.00
Minis: £85.00
Recreational: £95.00
Any returned payments will incur a failed transaction fee of £5.00